Manifestation 101
When I was a kid, my mom used to always say "if you do wrong, wrong will follow you." Now, I had no real idea what she was talking about, but it gives you a clue on the type of child I was...
Looking back, I now know that she was giving me one side of the Law o Attraction or LOA. Now, did she know it, probably not. But basically what she was telling me is that, you will get from the universe what you give. In other words, the universe will match your same energy, sis. No questions asked.
This is how manifestation works. You are essentially energy. We all are. Our thoughts and vibrations that we think and give off will converse, if you will, with the universe and that will be what it gives. For my church goers and believers, this is the same as the you speaking life or death over yourself, the power in the tongue. For example, if you are always feeling like your life just ain't working out, nothing ever seems to go your way. Why didn't you get that promotion? Well, it was probably all of the negativity you put into the universe. And when you think like that, your vibrations are low, like, low. You doubted yourself out of what you wanted. You gave the universe negative energy and it gave it to you back.
Understand, that the universe has no real way of knowing what you have and what you don't have. It can only go off of the energy you give off. The key to manifestation is simple and clear, you HAVE to change your way of thinking. Ok, so how do you manifest? Good question, I mean that is why you're reading this, right..
If you do a quick Google or Youtube search, you will come across a TON of different articles and videos on how to manifest your hearts desires. You have to decide which method is for you. Now, whether you script or verbalize your affirmations, the two important rules in both methods is; high vibrations and using the present tense aka pretending. You HAVE to believe or make the universe believe, that you are living the life you're scripting about. Again, it has no real way of knowing if you have it or not. And for me, scripting is something I enjoy doing and it gets my vibrations incredibly high.
How do you stop the negative thoughts? First of all, the best time to manifest is early morning or right before bed. On weekdays, I get up between 5:00 & 5:30 am, and script. That is because my brain is still in a sub conscience state, it hasn't fully awaken yet. Which means it is 100% clear. You always want to clear your mind, which is why right before bed, that don't work for me. What else I use to up my vibrations, is Gospel music. The joy of God coupled with the joy of my best life, I have high energy all day. AND, I ironically, don't crash during the day.
Again, you have to figure out the method that works for you. As we talk more about manifestation on the blog, I will go into the different methods and numbers and such. And in no time, you will be a manifesting pro.
I am. I have. I desire. I deserve.
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